2 research outputs found

    Comparaci贸n de tres procedimientos de IATF en relaci贸n con tasa efectividad, pre帽ez y costo-beneficio

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    Este proyecto tuvo como prop贸sito evaluar el dise帽o de tres procedimientos de inseminaci贸n artificial a t茅rmino fijo en ganado bovino, con el fin de encontrar aspectos relevantes como efectividad en la pre帽ez, bajos costos, mayor productividad y contribuci贸n en el aspecto social y econ贸mico, durante marzo a agosto de 2019 a fin de verificar su eficiencia como m茅todo reproductivo.(autor de la investigaci贸n) La investigaci贸n contribuy贸 a verificar que la I.A.T.F. es una t茅cnica exitosa que brinda la posibilidad de tener animales de gran informaci贸n gen茅tica o de razas puras; tambi茅n document贸 acerca de la inseminaci贸n artificial a t茅rmino fijo en ganado bovino, actividad que consiste en depositar el semen en la bifurcaci贸n de los cuernos uterinos de manera artificial el tracto de La hembra de forma artificial y as铆 obtener una alta tasa de pre帽ez realizando dicho procedimiento; aqu铆 la participaci贸n del macho es tan solo el aporte del semen obtenido por algunas de las t茅cnicas de extracci贸n del semen.(Baca de la Fuente, 2019) . Adem谩s de todo lo anterior pretendi贸 que el productor a trav茅s de asesor铆as, consultor铆as y asistencias t茅cnicas cambie los m茅todos tradicionales y adapte biotecnolog铆as como la I:A:T:F: mostr谩ndoles las ventajas del m茅todo y generando conciencia sobre la utilizaci贸n del protocolo m谩s completo en todos los sentidos. El trabajo analiz贸 varios aspectos como el tecnol贸gico, el social y el econ贸mico y sobretodo que se hizo la comparaci贸n de los tres protocolos para evitar sesgos, y dependiendo del protocolo utilizado llev贸 a obtener al ganadero utilidades econ贸micas, animales gen茅ticamente mejorados, y m谩s efectividad en la pre帽ez.(autor de la investigaci贸n) Para una mejor comprensi贸n se estudiaron temas como la anatom铆a y fisiolog铆a de la vaca y los per铆odos que comprende el ciclo estral de la misma. Palabras clave; inseminaci贸n artificial a t茅rmino fijo- efectividad en la pre帽ez-t茅cnica exitosa.The purpose of this project was to evaluate the design of three FTAI procedures in cattle, with the objective of finding relevant aspects such as effectiveness in pregnancy, low costs, higher productivity and contribution in the social and economic aspect, during March to August 2019. in order to verify its efficiency as a reproductive method. (author of the research) The investigation contributed to verify that the I.A.T.F. it is a successful technique that offers the possibility of having animals with great genetic information or purebreds; He also documented AI in cattle, an activity that consists of artificially depositing semen at the bifurcation of the uterine horns in the female's In addition to all of the above, it was intended that the producer, through educational activities and professional help, change traditional methods and adapt biotechnologies such as I:A:T:F: exposing the positive aspects of the procedure and making those interested create awareness about the use of the most complete protocol in every way. The work analyzed several aspects such as technological, social and economic and above all that the comparison of the three protocols was made to avoid bias, and depending on the protocol used, it led to the farmer obtaining economic profits, genetically improved animals, and more effectiveness. in pregnancy. (author of the investigation). This work analyzed points such as the technological, the social and the economical aspects, and above all, the comparison of the three protocols was done to avoid biases and depending on the protocol used, the farmer can obtain economic gains and genetically improved animals, and more effectiveness in pregnancy. For a better understanding, subjects such as the anatomy and physiology of the cow and the periods included in the estrous cycle were studied. Keywords; artificial insemination - effectiveness in pregnancy - successful technique.